Some people…

Some people say,
You can’t do this and that.
Some people say,
You’re not capable of doing that and this.

Some people think,
That they’re very special.
Some people think,
That you really give them credit for what they say.

Some people believe,
That your always gonna be there.
Some people believe,
That you’ll never gonna turn your back on them.

Guess what!?
Some people are wrong…

3 comentários:

Sónia disse...

I often wonder and think about this...

Some people are not worth it... forget them.
You are what you are ... Others are simply "others", they don't have interest. Or rather, they lose interest when they begin act that way.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own life;
it is a real possession that you have and forget the others.

Best is to just ignore and move on. The others are always wrong.


Sónia disse...

Só uma pequena adenda:

"Não deixes que ninguém te diga que não podes fazer algo. Nunca."

Anónimo disse...

Como uma vez alguém me disse... Nunca deixes de acrediar naquilo que és...

Isso é o mais importante :D


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